The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on ASA brochure distribution programme. This marketing programme was discontinued with effect from 20 January 2021.
Please stay tuned for the new digital programme.

As part of its objectives in promoting Singapore Attractions and other tourism-related products, ASA introduces and manages brochure rack subscription service which allow subscribers to extend their marketing outreach and branding mileage.  Subscribers’ marketing brochures would be made available at the racks and replenished regularly, at its 200 over distribution points with high tourist and local traffic flow across the red-dot island. 

Studies have proved the effectiveness of this publicity tool as a high percentage of Free Independent Travellers (FITs) visit the attractions after picking up the brochures.

Do sign up now to enjoy access to this important customer segment and optimise your brand exposure!

For more information about ASA brochure rack subscription, please email the ASA Secretariat at